Sunday, 9 April 2000

Claude Rains

Claude Rains was the quintessential supporting actor, so much so that people often see him as the star of a film even when he was really there to support someone else. He was the favourite actor of no less a name than Bette Davis. He taught the art of acting to Laurence Olivier and John Gielgud. He appeared in some of the best loved movies of all time and his face is instantly recognisable to most filmgoers. Yet he never won an Academy Award.

He made his mark on Hollywood from moment one, as the title character in the original Universal version of The Invisible Man. He appeared in a few more horror movies but he quickly diversified into all genres, his strong and versatile voice able to meet any requirements. His best known roles are probably as Prince John in The Adventures of Robin Hood, Capt Renault in Casablanca and the sinister Alexander Sebastian in Hitchcock's Notorious, but he was memorable in every film he made.

Here are links to reviews here at Apocalypse Later, with some older reviews from my far less substantial 2006 blog at Hal and Dee at the Movies and links to the IMDb pages for each film. Ratings are for films watched since 2004, reviews since 2006. H is me, D is my better half.

Rating System
1 - Abysmal | 2 - Bad | 3 - Poor | 4 - OK | 5 - Good | 6 - Excellent | 7 - Classic

Reviews at Apocalypse Later
Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
Hearts Divided 1936 3 3 Frank Borzage IMDB
Stolen Holiday 1937 4 4 Michael Curtiz IMDB
The Prince and the Pauper 1937 5 5 William Keighley IMDB
They Won't Forget 1937 5 5 Mervyn LeRoy IMDB
Gold is Where You Find It 1938 5 5 Michael Curtiz IMDB
The Adventures of Robin Hood 1938 6 7 Michael Curtiz & William Keighley IMDB
Daughters Courageous 1939 5 5 Michael Curtiz IMDB
The Sea Hawk 1940 5 5 Michael Curtiz IMDB
Lady with Red Hair 1940 4 4 Curtis Bernhardt IMDB
Four Mothers 1941 5 William Keighley IMDB
Casablanca 1942 7 7 Michael Curtiz IMDB
Mr Skeffington 1944 6 6 Vincent Sherman IMDB
Notorious 1946 7 6 Alfred Hitchcock IMDB
Deception 1946 5 5 Irving Rapper IMDB
The Unsuspected 1947 5 5 Michael Curtiz IMDB
The Passionate Friends 1949 7 6 David Lean IMDB
The White Tower 1950 5 5 Ted Tetzlaff IMDB
Where Danger Lives 1950 5 4 John Farrow IMDB
Sealed Cargo 1951 4 5 Alfred Werker IMDB
Twilight of Honor 1963 5 5 Boris Sagal IMDB

Old Reviews at Hal and Dee at the Movies
Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
The Clairvoyant 1934 5 6 Maurice Elvey IMDB
They Made Me a Criminal 1939 5 5 Busby Berkeley IMDB
Juarez 1939 6 William Dieterle IMDB
Passage to Marseille 1944 5 6 Michael Curtiz IMDB
Angel on My Shoulder 1946 6 6 Archie Mayo IMDB

Rated Not Reviewed
Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
The Invisible Man 1933 7 7 James Whale IMDB
Four Daughters 1938 7 Michael Curtiz IMDB
Mr Smith Goes to Washington 1939 7 7 Frank Capra IMDB
Four Wives 1939 6 Michael Curtiz IMDB
Here Comes Mr Jordan 1941 7 Alexander Hall IMDB
The Wolf Man 1941 6 7 George Waggner IMDB
Now, Voyager 1942 7 Irving Rapper IMDB

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