Stars: Cody Loepke, Peter Lane, Jason Halverson and Lolita Gongora
This film was a submission to one of the IFP Phoenix film challenges in 2013. Here's an index to my reviews of 2013 submissions. |
For a while, everything is done right. Cisco Saavedra does a fine job as Barksworth, channelling Fred Ward in a number of scenes. His wife is cute and his daughter steals a scene out from under him but then it starts to unravel. Rob Edwards is an agreeably inappropriate next door neighbour and Melissa Ann Marie Farley is precisely who you want to see in the car next to you at a traffic light, shaking her hair down and pulling a strawberry out of her cleavage to suck on suggestively. Why does that never happen to me? Oh yeah, I don't drive. Maybe I should start. This is all good stuff but, Farley's surreal scene aside, it's predictable and everyday. It doesn't stand out and that's exactly what a competition film needs to do. I'm guessing that there's more to come that didn't make it in during the challenge's time limit but, as it stands, the ending is weak and not just because there's an audible 'Cut!' just before the last shot. As a five minute film, it's wanting. At ten or fifteen minutes, it might have something.
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