Friday, 21 July 2000

Fear Film Fest 2010

Phoenix Fear Film Fest, also known as FearCon, is an independent horror film festival in Arizona run by Jim & Chris McLennan from Trash City, a modern day empire built up the lowly but characterful fanzine Jim produced back in England that I enjoyed from the first issue.

2010 saw Fear Fest move from the recently closed Chandler Cinemas, where I enjoyed the previous festival, to MADCAP Theaters in Tempe for its third festival. Many of the filmmakers made it out to introduce their films and conduct Q&As, including the directors of three of the five features and a plethora of other cast and crew. Films are only part of the FilmCon experience and you can relive all the fun at the 2010 section of the FilmFest website.

Here are all the films that were shown at Phoenix Fear Film Fest 2010, with film titles linking to my reviews and the IMDb pages added for reference, where possible.

Rating System
1 - Abysmal | 2 - Bad | 3 - Poor | 4 - OK | 5 - Good | 6 - Excellent | 7 - Classic

Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
Ouija Board 2009 4 4 Matt Stone IMDB
Roman's Bride 2009 5 5 Michael Paul IMDB
Sexy Killer: You'll Die for Her 2008 5 5 Miguel Marti IMDB
Shellter 2009 6 6 Dan Donley IMDB
Trippin' 2009 5 5 Devi Snively IMDB

Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
3 Days Later: Jesus Christ, Zombie Lord 2008 5 4 Clay Robeson n/a
Blockhead 2010 4 4 John Francis Conway IMDB
Bloodstained Terror 2007 3 2 Cody Cather & Doug Gehl n/a
Bloody Daisies 2009 5 5 Cameron Kerr & David E White IMDB
Dead Creek 2008 5 5 Mike Turner IMDB
Neon Killer 2008 5 5 Ben Robinson IMDB
Party Girl 2009 4 4 Jayson D Densman IMDB
Shrove Tuesday 2009 4 4 Lee Andrew Matthews IMDB
Sinkhole 2009 5 5 Eric Scherbarth IMDB
Teleportal 2009 5 5 Paul Shrimpton n/a
Tinted Windows 2009 5 5 Adam Dekraker IMDB

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