Friday, 21 July 2000

Phoenix Fear Film Festival

I didn't go to the first Phoenix Fear Film Festival in 2006 because I didn't hear about it until its sequel in 2008. In fact, I never got to experience the Paper Heart, the location for so much cool stuff, before it closed down. Fortunately Jim and Chris McLennan don't wipe one year's details off their website when they set up the next, so we can still see which films screened and how the event all went down.

Here are all the films that were shown at Phoenix Fear Film Fest 2006, with film titles linking to my reviews and the IMDb pages added for reference, where possible.

Rating System
1 - Abysmal | 2 - Bad | 3 - Poor | 4 - OK | 5 - Good | 6 - Excellent | 7 - Classic

Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
Caregiver 2007 Dennis Devine IMDb
Dark Places 2005 5 5 Guy Crawford IMDb
The Deepening 2006 Jim O'Rear & Ted Alderman IMDb
The Great American Snuff Film 2003 3 3 Sean Tretta IMDb
Malediction 2007 4 4 Kevin R Phipps n/a
Watch Me 2006 Melanie Ansley IMDb

Title Year H D Director(s) IMDb
Alone 2005 Kenny Selko IMDb
The Eyes of Edward James 2006 Rodrigo GudiƱo IMDb
Flesh-Eating Ghouls from Outer Space 2004 Erik Weiland IMDb
Human No More 2004 4 4 Christopher Alan Broadstone IMDb
Into the Flesh Doug Gehl n/a
No. My Other Possessed Zombie Girlfriend 2006 Timothy W Mather IMDb
Serial Cleaners Drew Strickland n/a
Tortured Man Jon Rhymes n/a

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